The platform blog hosting suffered the most violent storm since its inception. The founder of the reasons mentioned "political".Blow to the platform blog hosting WordPress , Automattic published by the company. Yesterday, she suffered the biggest attack by distributed denial of service (DDoS) since its inception in 2003. One immediate consequence was the unavailability of 18 million blogs hosted in three data centers (Chicago, San Antonio and Dallas), including those in the VIP WordPress.
This includes online media such as the Financial Post, National Post and TechCrunch.
According to a message published by Automattic, the assault has attained the infrastructure because of "several gigabits per second and tens of millions of packets per second. " Limit the effects of such an attack is usually complex and takes several hours. Indeed, denial of service attacks are designed to overwhelm Web sites queries, to make them available.
The attacks have dealt a level of complexity far more important to fight them, because they may come from a wider variety of networks and hosts. WordPress focused on its customers 'VIP' then its platform shared hosting ( Technical teams, aided by the operators used by the company, will set nearly two hours before beginning a gradual return to normal. Immediately after the attack, Matt Mullenweg, founder of the platform open source content management system, suggested in an e-mail that he suspected political motives behind these attacks.
They would be directed against blogs "non-English speakers" but would not be able to prove that.
In March 2010, the French host OverBlog who was under a similar attack. It lasted several hours before a restoration of access to blogs. A settlement of accounts was behind the attack. A complaint was filed and the case is still pending.